2. 研究発表
  3. 原著論文
  4. 原著論文




  1. 沖縄における爪毛細血管像の研究(第一報)
    梁運飛、柯彬. 「未病と抗老化」Vol.33/Nov.2024. p43-48
  2. 楽管茶の爪毛細血管像への影響について(第二報)
    梁運飛、柯彬. 「未病と抗老化」Vol.33/Nov.2024. p49-55
  3. Masanori Kasai, Shoko Hososhima and Liang Yun-Fei. (2014). Menthol Induces Surgical Anesthesia and Rapid Movement in Fishes. The Open Neuroscience Journal. 8, 1-8.
  4. Liang, Y. F., Ye J., & Wei S, X. (2009). Taurine attenuates the withdrawal symptoms in the heroin dependent rat. The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 59: Suppl.1.14-19.
  5. Liang, Y. F. (2006). Infrared sensory system in the crotaline snake: a possible experimental model for Chinese qigong approach. Journal of snake. 18(2):85-91.
  6. Liang, Y. F., Haake, B., & Reeh, P. T. (2001). Sustained sensitization and recruitment of rat cutaneous nociceptors by bradykinin and a novel theory of its excitatory action. The Journal of Physiology, 532:229–239.
  7. Liang, Y. F., & Terashima, S.I. (1995). Distinct morphological characteristics of touch, temperature, and mechanical nociceptive neurons in the crotaline trigeminal ganglia. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 360(4):621-33.
  8. Liang, Y. F., & T Terashima, S.I. (1994). C mechanical nociceptive neurons in the crotaline trigeminal ganglia. Neuroscience Letters 179(1-2):33-6.
  9. Liang, Y. F., & T Terashima, S.I. (1994). Touch and Vibrotactile Neurons in a Crotaline Snake’s Trigeminal Ganglia. Somatosensory and Motor Research. 11(2):169-81.
  10.  Liang, Y. F., & Terashima, S.I. (1993). Modality difference in the physiological properties and morphological characteristics of the trigeminal sensory neurons. The Japanese Journal of Physiology. 43 Suppl 1:267-74.
  11. Liang, Y. F., & Terashima, S.I. (1993). Physiological properties and morphological characteristic of cutaneous and mucosal mechanical nociceptive neurons with A-δ Peripheral axons in the trigeminal ganglia of crotaline snakes. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 328(1): 88-102.
  12. Liang, Y. F., & Peterso J. (1992). Inhibitory effect of aspirin on cholera toxin-induced phospholipase and cyclooxygenase activity. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 72(1-2):137-142.
  13. Terashima, S.I., & Liang, Y. F. (1991). Structure of trigeminal ganglion neurons. Neuroscience Research Suppl. 14. 23-5.
  14. Terashima, S.I., & Liang, Y. F. (1991). Temperature neurons in the crotaline trigeminal ganglia. Journal of Neurophysiology. 66(2):623-34
  15. 柯彬,梁運飛:四季の食養生と薬膳(Healthy meals for four seasons ) ;「医と食」
    Clinical and Functional Nutriology.ISSN 1883-6658.Vol.3 No.6.p297-300,2011
  16. 柯彬,梁運飛:抗加齢と亜健康人間ドック(Anti-aging and complete sub-health
    cheekup);「医と食」Clinical and Functional Nutriology.ISSN 1883-6658.Vol.3
  17. Modulation of experimental osteoporosis in rats by the antioxidant beverage effective microorganism-X (EM-X) 
    Bin Ke, Zenglu Xu, Yunfei Ling, Wenying Qiu, Yuanyuan Xu, Teruo Higa, Okezie I.
    Aruoma, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 63:114-119, 2009
  18. 1Antiangiogenic activity of a concentrated effective microorganism fermentation extract
    SUN CHI CHAN,DAVID WAN FUN FONG and JOHNNY CHEUK ON TANG. International Journal of Molecular Medicine Nov;18(5):975-9, 2006
  19. Evaluation of the toxicity and safety of the antioxidant beverage effective microorganisms-X (EM-X) in animal models, Environmental Toxicology and Bin Ke, et al. Pharmacology 20:313-320, 2005
  20. Anti-cancer potential of traditional Chinese herbal medicines and microbial fermentation products
    C.H.CHUI1, R.GAMBARI, F.Y.LAU, I.T.N. TEO, K.P.HO, G.Y.M. CHENG, B.KE, T. HIGA, H.L.KOK, A.S.C.CHAN and J.C.O. TANG. Minerva Biotenologica 17:183-192, 2005
  21. Growth inhibitory potential of effective microorganism fermentation extract (EM-X) on cancer cells,
    Chung Hin Chui Grecory Yin Mina Chena Bin Ke et al. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 14: 925-929, 2004
  22. The antioxidant drink”effective microorganism-X (EM-X)” pre-treatment attenuates the loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion rat model of Parkinson’s disease K. P. Datla, R. D. Bennett, V. Zbarsky, B. Ke, Y.-F. Liang, T. Higa, T. Bahorun, O. I. Aruoma and D. T. Dexter. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 56: 649-654, 2004
  23. The antioxidant cocktail, effective microorganism X (EM-X)” inhabits oxidant-induced interleukin-8 release and the peroxidation of phospholipids in vitro Manica Deiana, M.Assunta Dessi, Bin Ke, Yun-Fei Liang, Teruo Higa, Peter S.Gilmour, Ling-Sun Jen, Irfan Rahman, and Okezie I Aruoma. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 296 1148-1151, 2002
  24. The Antioxidant Cocktail, Effective Microorganism X (EM-X), Protects Retinal Neurons in Rats Against N-methyl-D-aspartate Excitotoxicity In Vivo OKEZIE I. ARUOMAa,*, JULIET A. MONCASTERa, DESMOND T. WALSHa, STEPHEN M.GENTLEMANa, BIN KEb,YUN-FEI LIANGc, TERUO HIGAd and LING SUN JENa. Free Radical Research, Vol.37(1), pp.91–97, 2002
  25. Assessment of the ability of the antioxidant cocktail-derived from fermentation of plans with effective microorganisms (EM-X) to modulate oxidative damage in the kidney and liver of rats in vivo: studies upon the profile of poly-and mono-unsaturated fatty acids Okezie I. Aruoma, Monica Deiana, Antonella Rosa, Viviana Casu, Rosaria Piga,Stefania Peccagnini, M.Auunta Dessi, Bin Ke, Yun-Fei Liang, Teruo Higa Toxicology Letters Tursday, 1st August 8:29:14, 2002
  26. Antiaging Activities of Effective Microorganisms Extract (EM-X) on the Fruit Fly and the Mouse KE Bin, HIGA Teruo, ZHONG Zheng-xian, LIANG Yun-fei. JOURNAL OF SNAKE. Vol.13. No.1, 2001
  27.  糖尿病性自律神経障害とQTc間隔に関する臨床的検討
    柯彬,比嘉清憲,村上啓治,三村悟郎. 琉球医学会誌 Vol.12:253-261,1992
  28. Epidemiology of IDDM in children under 18 years in southern districts of Kyusyu.Nagayoshi M, Odo S, Ke B, Ishikawa K, Higa S, Murakami K, Mimura G, Kouno Y, Tanaka H, Sugiyama S, Jinnouchi T Jap. J. Constitut Med. Vol.55:100-103, 1992
  29. Gastric motility in diabetics with and without autonomic neuropathy: sonograohic examination combind with acetaminophen method Oshiro K, Murakami K,  Ke B, Nashro K, Ishikawa K,  Higa S, Mimura G. Prevention and Treatment of NIDDM (ed. by GoTo Y.O.).Smith Gordon Publisher, London, 1991
  30. Gastric motility in diabetics with and without autonomic neuropathy: sonograohic examination combind with acetaminophen method Oshiro K, Murakami K,  Ke B, Nashro K, Ishikawa K,  Higa S, Mimura G. Prevention and Treatment of NIDDM (ed. by GoTo Y.O.).Smith Gordon Publisher, London, 1991
  31. Clinical study on the relationship of diabetic neuropathy to diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy Ke B, Tanaka H, Nagayoshi M, Nashro K, Ishikawa K, Higa S, Murakami K, Mimura G. In Recent Trends of Diabetes Mellitus in East Asia (ed.by Mimura G. et.al). p195-198, Ecerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1990
  32. 老年和老年前期糖尿病的臨床分析
    超楚生, 柯彬, 趙克鳳.  中華老年医学雑誌 Vol.6:1-3, 1987
  33. Amenorrhea-galactorrhea 総合症合併下丘脳性甲状腺機能低下症一例
    廖ニ元,  伍漢文,  柯彬.  湖南医学院学報 Vol.10:112, 1985